Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week 5 d1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week 5 d1 - Essay Example Because of this, organizations can develop efficient and productive business process, which meets the expectations of the market. Management integration brings all operations under one roof or umbrella, which is the core in developing parameters for improvements as well as checking the progress (TechNet, 2014). Additionally, management integration helps in network management by event monitoring, security and reviewing performance (TechNet, 2014). It becomes easier to monitor the performances of an integrated management because all the departments are together. Similarly, it allows for automatic reporting that is vital to making the organization to progress (TechNet, 2014). Lastly, management integration assists in network management by offering support response as well as alert services that an organization may require at any given time (TechNet, 2014). It allows for timely delivery of information or critical data as may be needed at any given time to assist the organization is meeting the goals. For instance, Integration with IBM NetView network management system is essential in automatic reporting (TechNet, 2014). There are also other network management services, which offer different services required by the

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